If your windshield or windows have a scratch or crack, you may think you need a repair, but will a repair be able to fix it? Depending on the amount of damage, you may need a complete auto glass replacement.
Here are some of the most evident signs that a repair won’t be enough, and you may need to replace your car’s glass.
- Decreased Visibility – If the crack or scratch is large enough to impact your visibility on the road, you most likely need to have the entire auto glass replaced. Cracks that create a spider-web effect may distort what you see on the road, so do not wait for your auto glass replacement or repair.
- White Haze at the Edges – Your windshield is made of up layers to help protect you inside the car. Under impact, the outer layer will take the brunt of force to help keep you safe. However, over time the layers may separate or deteriorate, and this will cause what looks like a white haze or film starting at the edges. This indicates that you need to replace the windshield as soon as possible.
- Poor Quality Installation or Repair – If you’ve recently had your auto glass repaired or replaced, but are having second thoughts about it, it may be best to get the work redone. If auto glass is not installed correctly, it can lead to severe problems and safety risks.
- Holes or Missing Pieces – While it may seem unlikely, your windows or windshield may get a hole or end up missing a piece. In this instance, you must get an auto glass replacement as soon as possible to prevent the glass from shattering or harming you.